Sketch It!
Aye, aye! Hello, there! We meet again. Today's assignment is.. rather challenging for me. Yep, like the title said, I'm going to try to attempt on making a sketch about this one particular scene in a story I've read, though my drawing skill is just.. beyond abomination. And sad. Oh well, let's check it out, shall we?
For today's reading material, I've read a story titled The Children of The New Forest, written by Captain Marryat. It's a B1 Pre-Intermediate level story, and it consists 6403 words, to be exact. The story tells us about four children that lost their father, Colonel Beverley, to death. They managed to escape and ran away all the way to New Forest. There, they lived with their father's old friend, Jacob, and started their new life as Jacob's grandchildren. They have to forget their noble life and learn to run the household. Interested? You can check them here.
Now, I'm going to show you my sketch. Promise me you will laugh at it. Laugh, or you shall get the beatings you deserved (jk. Please don't laugh at my drawing. I'm scared. Thank you.)
So, what is this drawing, actually? Well, I've sketched the cottage that Jacob owns in the New Forest. When I read the story, I'm curious about "how would Jacob's cottage looks like?". Well, the story did explain about the cottage at one particular scene, but I think that is not enough. So I tried to imagine it and voila, a sketch. I love making scenery, even though I'm bad at it and I prefer writing them down rather than drawing them. I also gave them some details, just for fun. I love making little details here and there. Feels like I'm hiding some easter eggs for children to find it.
Alright, I think that is all about my explanation on my godawful sketch. I don't even dare to ask you whether you like it or not. Oh well, at least I enjoyed it. Until next time, ciao!
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